Xteq Systems X-Setup

Updating X-Setup

Some parts of X-Setup can be updated - this topic tells you what you can update and how to do it.

Updating plug-ins or wizards

For this, you can use the new X-Update program. For more information, see Installing new plug-ins and wizards and X-Update

Updating the Lockergnome tips file

260 Lockergnome tips are released every year - a new tip appears every weekday. If you want to stay on top of the new tips, subscribe to Lockergnome.com's Windows Newsletters, but if you want to update the file which comes with X-Setup, then all you need to do is open the X-Setup Welcome program, click on the "Tips & Tricks" page, and then click on "Download Newest File".

Getting the latest version of X-Setup

We often release new versions of X-Setup; a new release appears every 2 months or so. Make sure you have the latest version of X-Setup by visiting http://www.xteq.com/products/xset/.

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